Monday, April 30, 2012

Strictly Bareback Blog Will Soon Be Ready For Re-Launch

We are re-building the Strictly Bareback Blog site from the ground up. This latest attack was sophisticated and thorough. The site and all of our backups were decimated. We have rebuilt before and we are ready to do it again. This time we have made changes that will keep us more secure but in cyberspace there are no guarantees. Our goal is to relaunch ASAP and then work on restoring as much of the original site as possible while working to bring new and better posts to those who make all of this possible - you guys, our followers... Gideon & Company LulzImg - Image Hosting for teh lulz


  1. So I'm guessing that Below The Belt will now be Strictly Bareback? Think that will pretty much run a lot of people off as most will assume that only bareback movies will be there

  2. Hey Danny,

    No - that is not what that means, hehe.

    We are working on SBB first because it will be the easiest to restore.

    A decision about BTB will be made soon. We must decide the best way to restore the forum and prevent future problems from those who would do harm to BTB.

    We should have more news soon - maybe tomorrow.

    We are so bummed out about this - you have no idea - we have worked hard to keep both sites up and running during the recent attacks.

    We are working on a plan and hopefully it will be foolproof.

    Stay tuned...


  3. THANKS for your good work!!!!!!!!

  4. I was wondering where you went. Miss you

  5. Check out my latest post. We have a new 'temporary' home for Strictly Bareback Blog.

    Gideon ;)
